I started practising Yoga when I was about 20, because I live with Stills Disease, a form of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Living with Stills means that high impact exercises have never been an option for me, and yet staying fit and active is such an important part of maintaining healthy joints. Yoga is definitely the answer for me, it gives me a way to move without pain. Yoga also allows me some time to focus on me, to find a practise to fit my mood, or to help me energise. There's always a practise that will help, even on my days when I'm struggling with pain, Yoga does more for me than any medication ever will.
I also live with chronic back pain, after suffering 3 slipped discs in 2016. I practise Yoga daily, to keep my back pain under control and to minimise the ongoing damage to my discs. Stretching and making space in my spine is so important to keeping my back healthy.
I decided to train as a Yoga teacher because I'm passionate about sharing Yoga with as many people as I can. I'm studying to complete my advanced training qualification because I love learning more about how Yoga can benefit people. I especially love learning more about anatomy, physiology and philosophy of Yoga, as well as developing strength with arm balances.
I honestly believe Yoga can you offer you so many physical and mental benefits, and because of this, I hope that it can help you as much as it helps me.